SHADOWHEART is out today!

It’s here.

Shadowheart, my new thriller, is published today. I’ve been aching for you to read it for a while now. This novel, #4 in the UNSUB series, got its start in the depths of COVID. I spent quiet months spinning this story of two killers locked in a twisted rivalry, and pitting them against heroine Caitlin Hendrix. Then I braided as much tension and mystery into the novel as possible, poured gasoline over it and hit the accelerator. I wanted this to be a classic UNSUB story — with Caitlin hunting serial predators — while bringing some surprises and twists I hadn’t injected into the series before.

This book is about two killers locked in a deadly competition, and about Caitlin diving into their dark and twisted minds to identify a murderer before more people die. It’s also about family. I had a blast writing it. I hope you’ll have a blast reading it.

My name is on the cover but a novel is never a solo project. I have to thank my agent, Shane Salerno, who has championed Caitlin and the UNSUB series from the get-go. And everyone at The Story Factory. Thanks to my publisher, Blackstone, for publishing the novel so beautifully. (I mean, just look at that cover. Look, and savor.)

And I have to thank my husband, Paul Shreve, for supporting me morning, noon, and night. He’s my biggest cheerleader and the person who helps make my life possible. Much of my editing of Shadowheart was done during the time our house was being rebuilt after the catastrophic fire. Paul made it possible for me to continue working while he was breaking his back to literally put a roof over our heads. I love you.

Happy reading, y’all!!

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2 responses to “SHADOWHEART is out today!

  1. Congrats on the latest Meg. Keep on keeping on. :^))

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