

January 24, 2024. Deadline Hollywood: Michael Mann has set his second novel collaboration with Edgar-winning author Meg Gardiner

Shadowheart, Book 4 in the UNSUB series, set for publication June 18, 2024

June 27, 2023: Heat 2 published in paperback


Watch this space!

96 responses to “News/Events

  1. im a huge fan, cant wait to read your new works but also eager to grab the next Delaney book, Any idea when i’ll be able to sink my teeth in?

  2. Thanks, Tanya. No dates yet — I’ll certainly let everybody know.

  3. Here’s hoping you can work in a Chicago-area appearance in your Dirty Secrets Club tour!

  4. Wish I could make it to the NYC signing but the middle of the week is tough! Keep on plugging! I enjoy your work!

  5. I’m going to gather all my friends and mob your New York reading. And by mob of course I mean stand politely in the back and listen attentively. Best of luck with this whirlwind tour!

  6. Phil, I look forward to meeting your mob.

  7. I can’t wait for your signing in Houston. And of course your new book. I admit to passing all your Evan Delaney books around my office, and everyone loved them. I am trying to get at least the 1st one back and hope you will sign a dog-eared copy, or I may have to buy it again!

  8. Great, Betsy. Be sure to say hello.

  9. No visits to Florida?

  10. I would love to make it to Florida, Paul. It’ll have to wait till next time.

  11. Oh, man, if only gas wasn’t so expensive, I’d try to hop over to Pittsburgh!

  12. My husband and I are driving up to P’burgh this afternoon. We’ll see you at the Mystery Lover’s Bookshop tomorrow.

  13. Great, gargoyle! If you get the chance, call Mystery Lovers and reserve tickets. 412-828-4877.


  15. Claire, I have the next Evan Delaney novel worked out in my head. That’s all I can say.

  16. Any chance you can send emails when you have US tours – no matter where? I would love to try and come and see you next time you are in the US and I doubt that you will be visiting Minnesota. Chicago is close enough that I hope you will go there with the next Evan book.

  17. You state that you will be at the Hampton Library in August. What state is the Hampton Library located in? Would that be Virginia?

  18. Alicia, sending emails about upcoming tour events sounds like an excellent idea. I’ll work on it.

    Susan, sorry for the ambiguity. This particular Hampton Library isn’t in the United States, but in Great Britain. I’ve edited the events listings to clarify.

  19. Count me in as one of the people who would travel nearly anywhere to be able to meet you and hear you discuss your books. Thank you for Evan and Jo and hours of unrivaled enjoyment.

  20. Hi. I’ve read all your books and this is all I can say: write some more! You just can’t write them fast enough for me! I especially like the sassiness of your characters.

    By the way, will you be visiting New York for a signing anytime soon?

    — mia

  21. Thanks, Darlynne and Mia. I appreciate it. Mia, I don’t know when I’ll be back to New York — I was in NYC a few weeks ago on my book tour, so it will probably be next year.

  22. so i thought i could hide the special edition of the dirty secrets club you so kindly gave to me from my old man. got through 10 pages before my plan was spoiled. looks like i will have to buy my own copy. he really appreciated it, so thanks very much! great to see you, and it will have been read by my next vist!

  23. Hi Meg,

    Looking very much forward to seeing you over here at Datchet Library, let me know if there’s anything i can do beforehand to help in anyway.
    Best Wishes,
    P.S Really enjoyed ‘The Dirty Secrets Club’ 🙂

  24. I have enjoyed every one of your books, including The Dirty Secrets Club. Nice that Jesse made a guest appearance. Can’t wait for the next Evan Delaney book!!

  25. Jennifer Harris

    Meg – I’m an ol’ track & field acquaintance from D.P. – What a thrill to see your name staring me in the face from the bookshelf at Borders. I had to peruse the pages to discover if it was indeed you. I just wanted to say that it’s great to come across your writing, and to see your smile again. You were an inspiration to me then, and once again you inspire. I am enjoying reading your latest novel.

    jennifer harris (880;mile;x-country)

    be well.

  26. Jennifer! Wonderful to hear from you. Hope all’s well.

    Everybody else — dang, you should have seen this girl run.

  27. Meg–I wonder how many of your fans knew you back when at DPHS? Your books are wonderful, full of that special wit that I remember. This is my first time writing to a fan website, but I just had to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the Evan Delaney books and seeing my hometown in print. Congratulations and if you see Ann A. say hi for me. From a former StageDoor Player–I look forward to the next one!

  28. Hi Susan — Thanks for your message. Glad you’ve enjoyed my take on Santa Barbara!

  29. Dear Meg– I discovered your books about 3 weeks ago and have since read all of them. I can’t tell you how emotionally invested I am in your characters Evan and Jesse. Please tell me there will be another book out about them soon. I also really enjoyed “The Dirty Secrets Club”. What a beginning!!!!

  30. Thanks for your insightful presentstion of alternately-abled life in a chair. You’ve nailed a lot of the big issues.

    Perhaps in a future book you can explore the experience of women in wheelchairs (yes, our experiences are not identical) through someone Jesse counsels …

    You rock.


  31. p.s. Coke bottles have not been available in coke machines for one !@#$ long time over here.

    Now it;s all aluminum cans.

  32. Hey, Karen — thanks for the validation. We’ll see what happens in future books. But… coke bottles? I’ve forgotten in which book I stuck them in a vending machine. Oh, no, I’ve written too much to remember my own words…

  33. Hi Meg,

    great to meet you in person at Mord am Hellweg on Saturday. I was the guy with the English edition of The Dirty Secrets Club (probably the only one in the audience). Hope you come back to Germany and especially the Dortmund area with your next novel.

    All the best,

  34. I have recently discovered your books and really enjoy them.

    I am retired Navy with two sons who are “Navy Brats” and proud of it. We have been stationed in some dry places, but China Lake was not one of them. It is good to see another “Navy Brat” who is such a success. Please continue with your writing. I am looking forward to seeing more of Evan and Jessie. Also enjoyed China Lake and hope to see more on those characters.

    YN1 Carnelia Foster, U.S. N. Retired

  35. Glad to hear it, Carnelia — thanks!

  36. Since I’m sure you will never be in Muscle Shoals, AL., I have provided our library with all your other books they didn’t have – the Dirty Little Secrets Club being the only one. I found a bookstore in Houston that had the paperbacks so now they are available to all! I didn.t think anyone could write as well as Lee Child, but boy, your Evan Delaney novels changed my mind! Are you two related by any chance? HaHa! Hope your next one will be out soon – there is a next one, I hope!

    • Thanks for stocking the library, Peggy — that’s wonderful. Glad you like the books. And you never know; I might just make it to ‘Bama one of these days.

  37. I enjoy your Evan Delaney series. Will there be another book to follow Kill Chain?

  38. Pamela in Atlanta

    I could hate you. My sleepless nights could hate you. My baggy, saggy eyes really do hate you. It’s so hard to drag my ass to work when you write a new book (especially sad as I work from home). Keep it up; I’ll become nocturnal. And by the way, it’s great to see the characters Evan and Jesse dealing with the issues they have (individually and as a couple) while communicating courageously and maintaining their love and respect. It can’t be easy to create well-rounded, deeply drawn characters — all human, no cardboard — in the midst of these steamroller thrillers. Well done.

  39. Thanks, Pamela. It’s my pleasure to make you suffer so.

  40. Any U.S. book signings scheduled for this summer? Like in Chicago (hope, hope, hope!)?

    • Summer plans are in flux, Monita. Anything is possible… but mostly I’ll be writing, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

  41. hi i have just stared getting into reading and i have just finished crosscut!!! omg i loved it! so i typed your name into google (as you do) and just realised that there are more before it!! so im going to buy them all to read over the summer holidays. can’t wait.
    thank you

  42. Becca, that’s great. Have fun!

  43. also one more thing is your book Schmerzlos in the evan delaney collection??

    • Schmerzlos is the German translation of Crosscut. The title translates as “Painless.” If you read Deutsche, go for it!

  44. I live in Ridgecrest, so China Lake got my attention in the Kindle store. What a kick to read a book that takes place here! I found your descriptions so satisfying. Other books in this setting have been off the mark IMO. The weirdest thing was Evan going by her neighborhood on base that doesn’t exist anymore. I taught middle school on base with teachers who talked about the same thing. Of course, I’m curious how you’re familiar with China Lake. Do kids from here really end up in Santa Barbara? Thanks for a engrossing read.

  45. Thanks, Jan – I posted about Ridgecrest/China lake on the main page.

  46. Kill Chain killed me…the idea of leaving Evan and Jesse at a troubled stage in their relationship is murderous! I hope the new book comes out soon, Jesse and all.

  47. Mel: Don’t worry, there’s more to come from both Jesse and Evan.

  48. hey, ive only just discovered reading your books but they have to be my favourites. i havent read many books as im only 16 but in thefuture i hope i can learn to write as good as you do. i love the delaney stories and cannot wait for you to write more!! shese an amazing character!

    i just love your books really 🙂

  49. Dear Ms. Gardiner,
    Your Jo Beckett series is amazing. Have shared with family and friends and they are hooked too. Patienly waiting for the next one. Be well and keep writing. I will surelly keep reading them.

  50. Thanks, deanna and Linda! Hearing that you like my novels really makes my day.

  51. I know it’s a bit overdue but congrats on the Edgar award! Say hi to the fam 🙂

    Andy Anderson

  52. Meg Gardiner,

    I adore your Evan Delaney books! I’m hooked and so attached to her character. I’ve been waiting for years to read of what happens next in her wild world… I see you have posted no dates for any future releases. Anxiously awaiting! Your writing has been a pleasure to read. Congrats on your success!

    As for your movie… Cameron Diaz?

  53. Hi

    I just want to say your book sare so great. I can’t put them down. I don’t know how you do it but you are a master. I just finished the Kill Chain (I’ve read the other Delaney books) I want more! Fabulas. You are the best

  54. Hi

    I’m just wondering when and if a sequel to Kill Chain will come about. I really enjoyed that book and have been wondering for the last year and a half if this will occur.

    Thank you 🙂
    and congratulations on the release of the new book.

    • Hi Adrienne,

      Yes, there will be a sequel to Kill Chain. Evan’s story is far from over. I just need to get it down on paper, and into the publishing schedule.

      Glad you enjoyed the book — hope you don’t mind waiting a bit longer for the next novel.

  55. I am so glad to hear that there will be more Evan Delaney books. I absolutely love these books and would hate it if we didn’t hear more about her.

    Thanks for many sleepless nights and dinners late to the dinner table because I couldn’t put my book down.

  56. Pingback: This week: Kingston Killers, BBC, new novel « lying for a living

  57. I hope your agents book you for another signing at Mysteries To Die For in Thousand Oaks, just a bit south of your old home. I lived in LA for all the years I worked in the Movie industry. We lived in Bath, UK for five years after I retired, but are now back in the States for a business venture and to see our daughter through a very good high school. I’m a great admirer of your talent.

  58. Although I have been working my way through the Evan Delaney books since the Stephen King article in EW a few years ago (with a side trip through the first 2 Jo Beckett books), I finally read China Lake and then Kill Chain within the last two months. I loved both (Crosscut is my other favorite) but hoped Kill Chain was not the end of Evan Delaney despite wondering where she could go in the future. I will wait eagerly with others until you are ready to continue her story.

    • Thanks so much, Verne. If you haven’t heard, Evan Delaney will feature in my next novel, The Nightmare Thief, along with Jo Beckett. Evan’s story is far from over.

  59. I just got in paperback to catch up on Jo Beckett and then came here to check on Evan Delaney. I will certainly be getting next month to catch up on both but hope Evan Delaney will also show up on her own in a future book.

  60. Whoops, did not do the right thing there and do not see an edit button. First title missing is The Liar’s Lullaby and the second is The Nightmare Thief!

  61. I could hate you. My sleepless nights could hate you. My baggy, saggy eyes really do hate you. It’s so hard to drag my ass to work when you write a new book (especially sad as I work from home). Keep it up; I’ll become nocturnal. And by the way, it’s great to see the characters Evan and Jesse dealing with the issues they have (individually and as a couple) while communicating courageously and maintaining their love and respect. It can’t be easy to create well-rounded, deeply drawn characters — all human, no cardboard — in the midst of these steamroller thrillers. Well done.

  62. Mary Ann Reynolds

    Without question, you’re the best writer I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a long time! For someone who averages about a book every other day, it didn’t take me long to plow through your works. However, now I am bereft without any more of these treasures to read! I look forward to the next Jo Bennett and hope to read more about Evan and her new ward and her future with Jesse. Thank you for providing me with hours of thrills, laugh out loud moments and tears shed. It’s also been fun to read about my old stomping grounds in Santa Barbara!

  63. Mary Ann Reynolds

    Yeah! I just read another fan’s comment about Evan Delaney and your reply about her story not being over, and you made my day! Ever since I finished Kill Chain the other night, with its sad and upsetting ending,, I’ve been wondering if there were going to be more books about Delaney and company (I’m especially fond of Jax and would love to hang out with her) and am so happy to hear that there’s more to come. Thanks again for the pleasure you provide!

  64. I have read all your enthralling books. It cost me many sleepless nights reading the Evan Delanay novels in a row and I can see I am not the only one to feel so close and attached to Evan and Jesse. There has to be a sequel to Kill Chain. You left us too concerned and desperate about their hypothetical future. It is sooo frustrating. After all they had been through together maybe they can enjoy some peaceful moments just to soothe our shaken feelings! I know ” Fucking Fact of Life “

  65. Hi Meg, I have only recently really started to read (fiction) and “The Liar’s Lullaby” was the first one , now I am busy with “Nightmare Thief”….the way you develop the plot is brilliant and the suspense amazing!…it is such a talent to write…to write well and brilliantly that is, as you do….In “The Liar’s Lullaby”….you really shook my brain up with that “lullaby” and how it all added up in the end!! do you get inspiration to do it that way? You are a poet as well….! You have the ability to let one play a vivid movie in one’s head, including even how the characters look, while reading….I don’t have a TV….and seldom go to the movies(don’t need it!!)…the written word, written well, is very, very strong…for me…Thank you Meg!

  66. Love your books and look forward to any and all future ones. I prefer to read books in sequence so an entry for each book with the publishing date would be nice.

  67. Meg, when can we expect another Jo Beckett book? I listen to the series on audio while I work and i’m about 20 minutes away from the end of “The Nightmare Thief” and i’m going to miss Jo once the book is finished. Also, do you own a mustang? I’m a mustang enthusiast myself so it was nice to hear that Evan drives a mustang. lol I really hope Susan Ericksen narrates the upcoming Jo Beckett books because she’s the best narrator for the job. I love listening to her.

    • Hi Brooke — Thanks for letting me know you’re enjoying the audiobooks. Susan Ericksen does an amazing job narrating them. She fully deserved the Audie Award she won for The Nightmare Thief. And while my next book is a stand alone novel, Jo hasn’t gone anywhere… I’ll let everybody know about more novels in the series as plans develop.

      And while I don’t own a Mustang right now, I drove one for many years. A ’66, sky blue. Man, I miss that car.

  68. Meg, I just finished reading the Shadow Tracer, loved it beginning to end! I am anxious for the next Jo or Evan book to come out, I’ve finally read them all and am foaming at the mouth for more. You do terrific work, keep it up!

    • Thanks so much, Bev. I’m happy you enjoyed the book so much. I’ll let everybody know about upcoming books… as soon as I start writing them, I’ll spread the word.

      Thanks again — Meg

  69. Meg, I started out with “Die Beichte” (The Dirty Secrets Club in German) given to me by a friend and switched to read all the others in english on my kindle – having that perfect popup dictionary. I read a lot, but all of your’s in 17 days beats my reading Ludlum’s Bourne Trilogy in 10 days!
    Once I got started I couldn’t stop.
    And I had to wait 2 days for Ransom River beeing delivered as paperback!
    There’s rare stuff to be compared with your outstanding beloved books.
    Make me lough and cry again, you’re the best!

    • Elke, I’m delighted to hear that you enjoyed my novels so much. And I appreciate the effort you went to, reading them in English. Thanks — veilen dank!

  70. Any intentions of another Evan Delaney book?

  71. I don’t have twitter or FB. Can I still apply for the raffle? Thank you.

    • Hi Sharon: You can enter the raffle without using Twitter or Facebook — if you click the link and enter using your name and email address (so you can be notified if you win).

  72. I absolutely loved the evan delaney books. I read all 5 of them in four days! I was up until 4am and could not put them down!!! There has to be another one at least!!!!

    • Thank you so much, Alicia! I love knowing that the books kept you up late. Evan’s story isn’t over yet. When I write the next one, I’ll let everybody know.

  73. Wendy O Stenzel

    Fished your last UNSUB book soon after it came out. It was such a wonderful read, and a great distraction/escape from the pandemic blues that I’m rereading all your books. Just finished the Evan and Jesse series, about to start the Beckett series. But wow, you left us broken hearted at the end of the last Evan book, Kill Chain. Any chance you’ll pick them back up for a continuing story? I get so attached to all of your lead characters. Can’t wait for the next UNSUB. Just keep at it, please!

    Wendy, CA

    • Thanks for letting me know you’re enjoying my novels, Wendy. I do plan to continue the Evan Delaney series — her story is not over! In the meantime, Evan and Jesse both make an appearance in the Jo Beckett novel The Nightmare Thief, and an Evan prequel short story, “Unknown Caller,” has just been published in the anthology Deadly Anniversaries.

      Thanks again for reading!

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