Grammar challenge from David Foster Wallace

Amy McDaniel posts a grammar worksheet from a non-fiction seminar given by David Foster Wallace. And it’s got some toughies.

(Via GalleyCat.)

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3 responses to “Grammar challenge from David Foster Wallace

  1. My rules are simple. The sentence must flow off the tongue. Why be verbose for the sake of verbosity? Say what you need to say clearly and succinctly.

    Some of those sentences just sound cumbersome and ungainly. Instead of correcting the grammar or the punctuation I find it simpler to rewrite them.

  2. This is like catnip for grammarians, isn’t it? Clearly beyond the realm of most writers today (present company excepted). Most people would just shake their heads and ask, who cares? And, by the way, isn’t David Wallace selling paper for Dunder Mifflin these days?

  3. Where are the correct answers?

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